Schedular Documentations

1. Introduction

Schedular is a Countdown Timer for events schedule and timing. Schedular works on windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and MacOS.
You can download it here.

2. Activating Schedular

Purchase a license here.
Click the ‘Help’ menu item in Schedular, then the ‘Activate’ Menu Item, a window pops up asking for the email and key purchased with. Provide these details and click the ‘Activate’.
If all goes well, your product becomes activated, else you get a corresponding error message of what went wrong.
If you need help do not hesitate to contact us.

3. Using Impromptu

Schedular Countdown Timer comes with a free license to use the Impromptu Timer Feature.
This feature is created to be used on the fly by those who have not taken time to prepare their event schedule in Schedular for their upcoming event.
The impromptu Timer can be used by clicking the ‘Impromptu’ button
This gives you a screen with the time set to 00:00
You set the time by using the Up arrow key of your keyboard for increment(+1) and the Down arrow key for decrement(-1).
After setting the time you want, press the Space key on your keyboard to begin the countdown.
While the countdown is on, you can also use the space key to pause the countdown.
The time can be reset to 00:00 by hitting the ‘Backspace’ or ‘delete’ keyboard keys, then the next event’s time can be set.

4. Creating An Event Schedule

An event schedule is a combination of individual event items. Hence, a combination of sections below.
Note: To create a new schedule while another is loaded into the event list box, click the ‘Clear/New’ button to clear the current schedule from the event list box. If you have not saved the currently loaded schedule you are seeking to clear, you will be prompted to save or delete it’s individual items one after the other.

4.1. Creating An Event Item
An event item has a title and an allocated time.
Type in its title and time, press the ‘Add Event’ button or when in the time entry press the ‘Enter’ key on your keyboard, you have just created an event.
You will see the event created added to the event list box.

4.2. Editing/Updating An Event Item
You have made a spelling mistake or just want to make an edit?
Double click the event item you wish to edit from the event list, this loads the event item into the entry boxes where you can make changes. Click the ‘Update’ button to save your changes.
You get a notification of successful update.

4.3. Deleting An Event Item
To delete an event item, click the item in the event list and click the ‘Delete Event’ button.
You get a notification of successful delete.

4.4. Saving A Schedule
By default all created event items are classified as ‘Uncategorized’, for reference and convenience purposes, it is highly recommended that you save your event schedules with titles relevant to your purposes.
Having created and edited all the event items needed, click the ‘File’ menu item then the ‘Save Schedule’ menu item(Ctrl+S on your keyboard), a window to enter the name of the schedule comes up, enter a relevant name and hit the ‘OK’ button.

5. Deleting An Event Schedule

To delete a schedule, click the ‘Open Schedule’ under the ‘File’ menu item (Ctrl+O on your keyboard) click on the schedule to delete, the click the delete button.

6. Opening An Event Schedule

If you have created and saved a schedule which you now want to run, go to ‘Open Schedule’ under ‘File’ menu item(Ctrl+O on your keyboard), click on the schedule to open and click ‘OK’ button, the event items in that schedule will load unto the event list box.

7. Running A Schedule

Having the needed schedule opened, click on the event item to start the schedule from and click the ‘Run Schedule’ button. Your schedule will start running.

8. Using External Screen

To use an extended screen with Schedular, the best results are gotten when the extended screen is set to the same resolution as the parent PC.
Other than that, the display on the extended screen will appear out of proportion to the Parent PC.

9. Controlling A Running Schedule

There are options available once the schedule is running for easy management of your event’s time.
Pause: The Pause button pauses and resumes the timer. (shortcut: space key.)
Previous: Navigates to the previous(-1) event item on the event listbox. (shortcut: keyboard ‘Left’ arrow key).
Next: Navigates to the next(+1) event on the event list. (shortcut: keyboard ‘Right’ arrow key).
ADD TIME: You may add time to the ongoing timer from the options provided(in minutes).
SUBTRACT TIME: You may also subtract from the current event’s time. The options available change as the event time changes.
close: This closes the Timer window.

10. Customizing Options

A series of customizable options are made available under settings.
Theme: You get to select the background color for the time display, Schedular chooses the foreground color to be either white or black, depending on the threshold of brightness of the color you pick. The color is reversed for the event titles.
Font: Select the font to use. Ensure to test your setup after selecting a font, some fonts display will distort the layout of schedular(Works with a relative(based on its components and screen size) not fixed display) when running the schedule.
Display: You can choose which parts of the display section you want to show when running the schedule.
Mode: Schedular can either count up( zero to given time) or down( given time to zero).
Time Up Text: Enter the text you will like to show when the time is up for the current event.
Flash ‘Time Up’: To grab the attention of the anchor/speaker of the current event item, you may decide to flash the time up text you set.
Select Sound: Set the sound clip you want to hear when the end of an event’s time draws near.
Sound for: How long do you want the selected sound above(if any) to sound.
Restore Default: When you seek to return the settings to their initial state, hit the ‘Restore Defaults’ button.

11. Using Analysis

This is a tool that can be used to track time usage per event. it gives a break down of time allocated, time used and extra time used(if any) for any one day an event is run.
The analysis provides its data by date, because we know you may run a given schedule several times over its relevant life time and will want to have each day it was run available to analyze retrospectively.